
29 thoughts on “About

    • Fae, hmmm, really good question. I can tell you that some are called digital art because they are either created or manipulated digitally; the animated ones are called animated GIFs (pronounced as if your going to say Jip but say Jif instead); some are just hand drawn and called line art, and the ones that are multi-layered are collages. So … all over the place I’m afraid! Thank you a lot for checking it out and your interest!

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  2. Bonjour Azita! As another young mademoiselle, with dark hair, and who, in another dimension, may have been a Persian goddess flying across the plains on her horse to the Hanging Gardens… i wanted to wish you Felicitations for a New Year. Your blog has been a chance discovery, but a very enjoyable one at that. Here cometh spring! Light, love and prosperity!! Bonne Chance…. M.

    • This may be the most magical comment I’ve gotten on either of my blogs so far! I’m picturing a Persian goddess flying across the horizon, her long tresses flowing in the wind, and I’m enchanted. 🙂 Thank you M!

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